
“Sunshine and Son-Shine” is what we want to give the people in our community.


Hello, my name is Adam Williams. I am the Lead Pastor of Buena Vista Pentecostal Holiness Church in Buena Vista, VA. Buena Vista is a beautiful city located right at the bottom of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Rockbridge County.


At one time Buena Vista was a thriving little city with great sports fields, open store fronts, and even an opera house. However, due to hard economic times and two life altering floods this city has declined. Over the years BVPHC has sought to be a place of refuge for our city. Our Church motto is Relevant, Relational, Real. This is what and who we strive to be as a church. We, as a church, want to make an impact on our community. We want to be relevant to the people and needs around us. We know that in order to do so we must continue to adapt and move forward with times. With that being said, we have realized that youth and adults alike need areas to exercise, play, and be outside. One of the greatest needs in our community is sports facilities that are open to the public.


In 2008 we paid off our 29-acre parcel of land. 9 Years later, in 2018, we finished our Master Plan of the entire project. We now believe that God is leading us “Forward by Faith” to begin on the first phase of our endeavor. This phase is focused on community. It is focused on getting people to know Jesus and getting people outside to enjoy life. Phase one will include, but will not be limited to, utilities for the entire Master Plan, a 200-seat open air pavilion, a walking track open to the public, a softball field, and soccer/football field.


On January 21st, 2024, we launched a 24-month fundraising campaign where we hope to raise $330,000. We are hoping to gain 75 partners of $100 a month, plus additional one-time gifts of $1,000, $5,000, $7,500, $10,000, $15,000 and $25,000.


Would you or your organization consider partnering with us?

With your help we can change the lives of people in our community. Since the announcement we have already received $30,000 in donations. People see the need and are responding. Please take time to think, pray, and consider the impact that you could make on this generation and this city!


May the Lord Bless You,

Adam Williams, Lead Pastor of BVPHC




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