At BVPHC we believe the spreading of the Gospel to other nations is essential to the great commission. Here at BVPHC we support 11 international missionaries/Missions organizations and we support the “Go” offering of the IPHC.


The 11 missionaries/missions we support as a church are: Gregory McClerkin, Harold Presley, Hugh Hoyle, Marty Delmon, Lulu Salazar, David Riley, Ron Wooten, Sean and Katie Etheridge, Devin and Breanne Harden, Alicia and Chris Dunlap and Coffee House Ministry.


We are considered a five-star church in the IPHC for Global missions. We are also considered the highest giving church to missions in the Appalachian conference of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. 

We also financially give to local missions in the following areas: FCA, RARA, Emmanuel University, Holmes Bible college and Southwestern Christian University.




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